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FAQ's & Tips

Yes, it is! Both of our Resins, Arte and Rio Flow have a UV Protection formula. Also our bottles are closed with nitrogen inside instead of air, which greatly benefits the shelf-life of the resin for at least a year under normal storage conditions, making it very strong against yellowing issues.
When storing, we recommend after opening and even before, not to expose to direct sunlight as it can risk for coloration (yellowing), if sunlight is too strong or excessive. Otherwise you should not have a yellowing problem with any Resin Art Flow Resins.
Resin from Resin Art Flow is specifically designed to have low density, that way bubbles that are trapped when you are mixing can be released effortless. Air is more frequently trapped on high density resins.
We take pride on being one of the most (if not the most, according to some of our artists), crystal clear resins available on the market. We would invite you to check our Instagram account (@resin_art_flow) for examples of work done by clients and to see the results.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Some pigments and brands can trigger the curing process to speed up considerably. We recommend to mix resin only when you know what you’re going to create, avoid letting it sit in the container. Also, we recommend working with brands such as Meyspring Pigments for a better compatibility.
* Pour resin first, then hardener
* Make sure the two components are in the exact same amount. Don’t eye-ball amounts, use scale or measuring cup
* Use a vessel that is wide (for heat dissipation)
* Mix for 2-3 min MAX
* Mix small batches and pour soon after mixing
* Do not use power mixers 
* Stir gently as if it was tea, not pancakes batter
* Pigments in general speed up the curing process.
Add pigment at the end of mixing and don’t over mix
* Room temp should be around 21C/70F
* We recommend to mix resin only when you know what you’re going to create, avoid letting it sit in the container
We always recommend using PPE such as a face mask, nitrile gloves, safety glasses for protection and working in a ventilated room when working with Resin. This is standard with any kind of resin.
PLEASE NOTE: We recommend to mix resin only when you know what you’re going to create, avoid letting it sit in the container.
Separately, pour equal volumes (1:1) of ARTE RESIN A and ARTE HARDENER B into a measuring cup each. Make sure the two components are in the exact same amount. Don’t eye-ball amounts, use a scale or a measuring cup:
* Room temp. ideally should be around 21C/70F
* Mix both Resin A and B into one container (use a vessel that is wide), pour resin first, then hardener and stir slowly the equal portions of ARTE RESIN A and ARTE  HARDENER B using a spatula for a couple of minutes.
* Mix for 2-3 min MAX
* Mix small batches and pour soon after mixing
* Do not use power mixers
* Stir gently as if it was tea, not pancakes batter
* When adding colors or pigments, stir them using a spatula until you have a constant uniform color.
* Add pigments at the end of mixing and don’t over mix, pigments in general speed up the curing process.
Start pouring your resin, to avoid bubbles during casting, pouring must be carried out slowly at a single point, allowing the resin to flow. Using a heat gun can also help you to remove undesired bubbles once you’ve finished pouring.

Curing is recommended at 21 C.The Approx.curing time is from 6-8 hrs. In Resin Art Flow we take pride about ARTE's qualities of being one of the fastests resins to cure for your second coats.

For Arte Kit we recommend pouring a maximum of 1/8 Inch per application until it cures. Once after curing if you wish to add another layer on top, you can do so.

Additionally we suggest you to refer to our Video Tutorials section for more in-depth tips and knowledge.

We always recommend using PPE such as a face mask, nitrile gloves, safety glasses for protection and working in a ventilated room when working with Resin. This is standard with any kind of resin.


RIO FLOW is our purest resin which makes it super transparent and easy to use. This technical feature makes it very sensitive to cold temperatures which in some cases, it may cause some white flakes to form at the bottom of the RESIN (PART A) jug. But don't worry, this is easy to fix before you use it.

If you find some flakes, you can warm up the Resin part BEFORE mixing it with the Hardener by placing the resin in your mixing cup on hot water 30-40C (86-104F) for about 30 min. After that you can stir and should see that the flakes have disappeared.

You can also do this with the whole jug by half-submerging the closed RESIN PART A bottle in hot water on a bucket or bathtub inside the plastic bag it came in. After that your resin should not present the flakes anymore and they will NOT form again.

PLEASE NOTE: We recommend to mix resin only when you know what you’re going to create, avoid letting it sit in the container.

Before mixing, pour both the RIO FLOW RESIN “A” / RIO FLOW HARDENER “B” in different containers. Remember the mixing ratio quantity will be of 3:1 (3 of Resin and 1 of hardener). 

*Room temp. ideally should be around 21C/70F

*Mix both Resin A and B into one container (use a vessel that is wide), pour resin first, then hardener and stir slowly the portions of RIO FLOW RESIN A and RIO FLOW HARDENER B using a spatula for a couple of minutes.

*Mix for 5-7 min MAX 

*Do not use power mixers

*Stir gently as if it was tea, not pancakes batter

*When adding colors or pigments, stir them using a spatula until you have a constant uniform color.

*Add pigments at the end of mixing and don’t over mix, pigments in general speed up the curing process.For Rio Flow Kit we recommend pouring a maximum of 1.5 Inches per application until it cures. Once after curing if you wish to add another layer on top, you can do so.


Before pouring the RIO FLOW resin, we advise leaving the resin from 30 minutes to 8 Hours so all bubbles will be released as you see fit. It is recommended to place the mix in a clean container and lightly stir it to ensure that the mix is uniform, particularly from the mix that was in contact with the surface of the mixing container.

Pour the mix at a single point and avoid spreading it over the entire surface in order to allow the product to displace air as it flows. Using a heat gun can also help you to remove undesired bubbles once you’ve finished pouring.

This resin can be applied in castings with a recommended thickness of 1.5 inch., in order to ensure adequate leveling and avoid overheating that may result in pours thicker than 2.5” and causing possible wood deformation and entrapment of bubbles.


To ensure good adhesion between castings and avoid contraction, it’s recommended to perform the next pour in 24 hrs. Repeat until the required thickness is achieved. If you wish to further polish your piece, it is recommended to do so 48 hrs. after the last pour.

Additionally we suggest you to refer to our Video Tutorials section for more in-depth tips and knowledge.


You can use this clay as you would regular plastiline. You need to mix equal parts of the two components. It’s important that they are the same amount since one component is the resin and the other the hardener.
Start by taking a small part of each into your hand to warm it up. As you mix them together you’ll notice the consistency getting softer. Add more pieces to the desired amount for your project.
Once you mix them into a small ball you can start molding it into the shape you want.
You have about 40 min of working time and hardening happens around 70 min from mixing. You can use pigments on it to colour it.
Please keep the unused portion wrapped in its plastic and in the canister.
Under normal conditions, our resin has a 1 year shelf life span and also, inside our bottles we replace air with nitrogen to avoid oxidation and avoid yellowish coloration overtime.
You can work with it indoors, no problem, however we recommend using a room with ventilation. Our resin is not flammable and has minimum smell. We always recommend using PPE such as a face mask, gloves and safety glasses for protection. This is standard with any kind of resin.
If you have any other questions please reach out to us at or through social media. We promise a response within 24 hrs or less within business days.